Author Archives: Hollie A. Lemkin

5 Ways to Negotiate Child Custody With High Conflict Couples

Are you a "High Conflict" couple? Don't worry, we have experience with…

April 04, 2021

Custody Mediation With High Conflict Couples

When your divorce seems impossible, custody mediation is still an option.

April 04, 2021

How Does Divorce Impact Your Children?

It's obvious that divorce impacts children, this post covers the "how"

April 04, 2021

What You Need to Know About Child Custody Mediation

Child Custody is emotional and can be frustrating. Here's what you want…

April 04, 2021

Mistakes to Avoid in Custody Mediation

Divorce is messy, custody mediation is equally emotional. Here are mistakes to…

April 04, 2021

Child-Centered Divorce: What Do Your Children Need?

You want to keep your children front and center. We can help.

April 04, 2021

How to Break Yourself Free from a Financially Abusive Spouse

Financial abuse is real and hurts families in a severe way. Here's…

March 03, 2021

Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders 101

The basics of domestic violence in Orange County, CA

March 03, 2021

Does Domestic Violence Affect Alimony?

We take domestic violence very seriously. Here's how it impacts alimony.

March 03, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Domestic Violence and Your Children

There is never an excuse for domestic violence of any kind. We…

March 03, 2021

The Best Custody Arrangement for Infants

Infants are our most vulnerable citizens. And they deserve special attention when…

February 02, 2021

Why You Should Request for a Child Custody Modification

Court modifications regarding child custody are not only possible, they happen often.…

February 02, 2021